Parrot Drawings

I began this year teaching two elementary classes, which is a lot less than I taught last year. I have enjoyed the opportunity to once again to teach these students and I have lots of new ideas of exciting projects to try with them. I do not know how long I will have these classes, but I will enjoy it while it lasts.
We began the year with abstract guided drawing using the basic elements of line, shape and colour. It was a good exercise for the students in listening to instructions and seeing how the same instructions can be interpreted in different ways to achieve unique results. This lesson was followed up with another guided drawing lesson where we combined the elements to create a recognizable creature- a parrot. We used the same elements to create our own birds and added other overlapping details- branches, leaves, flowers and other creatures- to fill the page.
Adding colour to the drawings was an exercise in patience for many students. I had them cover all the white on the page using coloured pencils and then add final details- outlines and texture using markers. I am quite pleased with how they all turned out- each unique in their own way!

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