Colourful Gems

Today was a successful gem of a day in kindergarten. By the time Friday rolls around, I need to muster up some extra energy for a morning of three classes back to back (including this group of kinders). Kindergarten is often a hit or miss. Sometimes they work happily and concentrated, but normally it is difficult to get them to sit still or stay on task for longer than ten minutes. These normal antics are heightened by the fact that many of these 5 year olds are English language learners.

These little ones came in today, full of energy and cuteness. I was a little unprepared, still reshuffling piles of papers from the group before. I helped the kids into their smocks and had them help me cover the table in newspapers and distribute brushes. We were continuing our paintings of circles (inspired by Kandinsky) using the three primaries: red, yellow and blue. I wanted to introduce them to colour mixing, but allow them to discover new colours on their own, which happened quite naturally on the papers. These little ones were ecstatic upon realizing they were making new colours, and I was so excited to watch them explore! I thought these pictures captured some of the juicy, colourful energy in the room- enjoy!

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Packages *with* Labels

hbdayThis month with Grade 2, I am focusing on drawing. Today, we had our second lesson, which just so happened to include party-themed objects. I asked who in the class had a birthday in January and mentioned that my birthday is tomorrow. They all sang me happy birthday, and many added labels to their drawings.


You are FAITHFUL, God you are FAITHFUL! I never dreamt this is where I would be a year ago.

Leave Your Mark

mark1I made these books with my Grade 1-3 students a few months ago. This fall themed project accomplished two goals: introducing students to the art of printmaking, and having them put together a sketchbook of their work thus far. I think these final results are wonderful and the kids had fun putting them together. Thanks to my favourite website, the Art of Education for this great idea!

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Visualizing Music

I finally finished this unit with my middle school students. I had so much fun teaching it during my practicum that I was very eager to try it again! I introduced students to the idea of visualizing music by showing them a piece of my own work (inspired by Wassily Kandinsky).


I led the students through a few short exercises of drawing line to music before we did our final drawing. Several students chose to draw without looking at their paper! For our final drawing, I played The Moldau (a twelve minute piece) and students chose two colours to use for the duration of the music. We later added to these drawings with additional colour, shapes, defined lines and texture rubbings. Here are a few of the finished results:

We then used these abstract compositions as inspiration for a collograph print. First, we constructed our printing plates using cardboard and other textured materials. After familiarizing the students with the tools and steps in printmaking, we printed the plates. Printmaking, I have discovered, is one of my favourite art processes to teach, I love seeing the results and teaching each step along the way!

I then had the students work back overtop of their finished prints, adding further detail with pastel and collage elements. Students then learned how to properly sign, title and edition their pieces. I have found this unit is a good way give students an overview of several of the art elements, introduce them to printmaking and also expose them to abstract art. Printmaking, I have also discovered, is one of my favourite art processes to teach. I love seeing the finished results and teaching each step along the way!

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