Artist Pages: Jim Dine


Last week, we had the gelli plates out again. As always, the students enjoyed the process of experimenting! I have a bigger class this semester, so that means more wait time to print. I decided to have the class work on artist pages about Jim Dine, as his work was inspiration for our project. Here is some of the work they did. We will have to continue to work more on the content, but the emulation of his style and drawings are well done.

Lines of Explosion and Colour

exp1Yesterday was a good day in the art room. I got to watch and assist the third grade class in making explosive volcanoes with charcoal and paint. Nothing like a good bit of creative mess to start out the day- a few of these kiddos are bound to be artists! I received some confidence boosting words of encouragement from fellow staff that I am doing good work with the students, which I doubt at times. I also finished a few projects with classes and had to find new spaces to hang them.

It is a problem to run out of gallery space as an art teacher!

I attempted wire drawing with high school again, as I think it is a great beginning exercise for using line to create space. This time, I decided to hang the pieces instead of having them stand as sculptures. They may look like ordinary line drawings, but this way we can see the beautiful shadows behind!

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The sixth graders have been learning about colour and painted some very expressive, abstract paintings using a variety of lines, organic and geometric shapes.


Colour Scheme Tile Designs

As a first project with a new class of the semester, I had the opportunity to try something new! These tile designs turned out beautifully- it was the perfect project for reviewing several art elements and getting everyone on the same page.

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It took me FOREVER to hang these, with an odd number of paintings and a bulletin board that is too small. I take hanging artwork very seriously, perfection is essential for presentation!