Series II

Final projects were due today and I spent the day marking! Here are a selection of my favourites (these are each part of a series of fifteen drawings. For a further project description, see here).

Warm/Cool Landscapes

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In fifth grade, we have explored the use of line to create landscapes with a foreground, middle ground and background. The landscapes were painted using warm and cool colours.

My classroom is not quite back to normal, but hopefully by next week it will be! Taking a break from cleaning yesterday, I could not resist hanging up these colourful pieces to make it feel more homey!


Colour Scheme Paintings, Part 1

In middle school this semester, I decided to try another project I did on my practicum. This is the final project after having done several studies exploring the colour wheel, tinting and shading, and monochromatic, complementary and analogous colour schemes. Students came up with their own idea for a composition. Their chosen composition needed to include the twelve colours of the colour wheel and at least one additional colour scheme. These pieces are from the sixth and seventh grade classes. The eighth graders need another class or two to finish, which will be just in time for the end of the school year!

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